Maison communale Kim Ngân (Đình Kim Ngân, Hànội)

Cette maison communale Kim Ngân fut édifiée au début du XVIè siècle par le ministre de l’intérieur du roi Lê Thánh Tông, Lưu Xuân Tín. Celui-ci était originaire de la province Hải Dương, connue pour sa spécialité dans la fonte des lingots d’or. Il fit venir à cette époque un grand nombre de gens de son village pour travailler en tant qu’orfèvres à Hànôi pour le compte du roi. Ces derniers y ont construit lors de leur installation cette maison communale de nom Kim Ngân. Etant laissée à l’abandon depuis plusieurs années, elle fut restaurée seulement en 2004 grâce au concours des experts français de la ville de Toulouse. Désormais c’est non seulement l’endroit où ont lieu fréquemment tous les spectacles de musique traditionnelle (Ca Trù par exemple) mais aussi le lieu de vénération de l’ancêtre des métiers Hiên Viên.

 Communal House Kim Ngân

(Hàng Bạc)

This communal house was erected under the reign of king Lê Thánh Tông by the Minister of the Interior, Lưu Xuân Tín. This one was from Hải Dương province known for its speciality in casting into ingots. He invited at this time a large number of people in  his village for working as  silversmiths on the behalf of the king. During the installation, the latter have built à Hàng Bạc this communal house named « Kim Ngân (or silver). Being neglected for many years, it was restored in 2004 by French experts of Toulouse city. Henceforth, it is only the place where tradional music concerts take place frequently but also the space of veneration of Hiên Viên, the ancestor of crafts.

This communal house was erected under the reign of king Lê Thánh Tông by the Minister of the Interior, Lưu Xuân Tín. This one was from Hải Dương province known for its speciality in casting into ingots. He invited at this time a large number of people in  his village for working as  silversmiths on the behalf of the king. During the installation, the latter have built à Hàng Bạc this communal house named « Kim Ngân (or silver). Being neglected for many years, it was restored in 2004 by French experts of Toulouse city. Henceforth, it is only the place where tradional music concerts take place frequently but also the space of veneration of Hiên Viên, the ancestor of crafts.